1. Treatment of headaches, panic attacks (feeling of unexplained fear, heart palpitations, numbness in limbs, shortness of breath)
  2. Treatment of pain syndromes in the thoracic spine region
  3. Treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joints (movement restrictions, pain in the shoulder joint area)
  4. Treatment of lower back pain
  5. Treatment of pain and contractures in the hip joints, management of patients with aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, halting the destruction process (bone degeneration) and postponing surgical treatment in cases of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and coxarthrosis stages 3-4
  6. Treatment of knee joint pain, Baker’s cysts, non-surgical management of patients with meniscal and ligament damage, mobilization and pain relief in knee joints without restoring internal structures damaged by DOA stages 3-4, restoring function, correcting pathological deformation of the tibia
  7. Treatment of plantar fasciitis (heel spurs), heel pain, flat feet, Morton’s neuroma
  8. Treatment of edema, compartment syndrome, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities (under the supervision of vascular surgeons)
  9. Non-surgical treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture (needling)
  10. Treatment of post-COVID arthralgia, fibromyalgia

Receive professional medical help in a format that suits you:

Choose the format that meets your needs and take a step towards better health today.

  • Online consultation

    In-person consultation with a detailed examination, diagnosis, and personalized treatment plan. The perfect choice for a comprehensive approach to your health.

  • Offline consultation

    A convenient format for the initial discussion of your symptoms, treatment planning, and receiving recommendations from a doctor. You can save time and receive professional assistance without leaving home.

Treatment Methods

Injection Therapy


Dry needling method


Laser therapy


Shockwave therapy

Needling in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture.


Comprehensive Approach to Your Treatment

We offer a comprehensive approach to addressing your health concerns. The doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis and selects an individualized treatment plan, combining different methods to achieve the best result.

Submit for appointment

Orel Konstantin

PhD in Medicine, Doctor of FRM, Traumatologist-Orthopedist in outpatient service, Physiotherapist (Laser Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, TPI Therapy).


  • • Graduate of the State Medical University of Odessa, Ukraine (2006).
  • • Successfully defended a PhD dissertation in 2020.



  • • Internship in trauma and orthopedics at City Clinical Hospital No. 11 (2 years of surgical experience).
  • • Work at a sports center from 2008 to 2012, creation of medical services in major fitness club networks, management, and administration of medical divisions.
  • • Since 2009 – Sports physician consultant at the private clinic Oxford Medical (
  • • Since 2012 – Specialization in sports medicine at a medical university and active involvement in rehabilitation.
  • • In 2015 – Appointment as Chief Physiotherapist of Odessa Region.
  • • In 2021 – Obtained specialization as a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine (FRM), following the merging of specialties in Ukraine into one for physiotherapy, sports medicine, physical therapy, and balneology.
  • • In 2023 – Work as an Orthopedist-Traumatologist, Rehabilitation Specialist (FRM), and Physiotherapist in the outpatient diagnostic department of the regional clinical hospital.

Orel Konstantin

PhD in Medicine, Doctor of FRM, Traumatologist-Orthopedist in outpatient service, Physiotherapist (Laser Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, TPI Therapy).


  • • Graduate of the State Medical University of Odessa, Ukraine (2006).
  • • Successfully defended a PhD dissertation in 2020.


  • • Internship in trauma and orthopedics at City Clinical Hospital No. 11 (2 years of surgical experience).
  • • Work at a sports center from 2008 to 2012, creation of medical services in major fitness club networks, management, and administration of medical divisions.
  • • Since 2009 – Sports physician consultant at the private clinic Oxford Medical (
  • • Since 2012 – Specialization in sports medicine at a medical university and active involvement in rehabilitation.
  • • In 2015 – Appointment as Chief Physiotherapist of Odessa Region.
  • • In 2021 – Obtained specialization as a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine (FRM), following the merging of specialties in Ukraine into one for physiotherapy, sports medicine, physical therapy, and balneology.
  • • In 2023 – Work as an Orthopedist-Traumatologist, Rehabilitation Specialist (FRM), and Physiotherapist in the outpatient diagnostic department of the regional clinical hospital.

More information about TRI THERAPY method

(Trigger point injections)

This is the most scientific method of chronic pain treatment that exists today. There is nothing more reliable. The procedures are standardized and their number remains constant in most cases.

  • Description of the method
  • Treatment prognosis
  • Comparative effectiveness ratio
  • Cost of treatment
  • The method I could talk about for hours, as it’s the Joker in the treatment of chronic pain. An anesthetic, steroid, magnesium, or NSAIDs are injected into trigger points — painful areas of muscles that do not relax through massage or other methods. All the muscles in the chain are punctured. The procedure relieves muscle spasms, reduces pain, and most importantly — HEALS. Truly. It is performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. It quickly reduces pain and improves mobility. The therapy is safe and well-tolerated by most patients, although the effect varies depending on the cause of the pain and the practitioner performing the procedure.

  • This is the most scientifically proven method of treating chronic pain that exists today. There is nothing more reliable. The procedures are standardized, and their number remains consistent in most cases.

  • After the first procedure, the patient reports a 60% improvement in their symptoms. After the second procedure, there is a slight worsening of 20%, but after the third, 80% or more of the contractures and pain resolve, with effects lasting for more than 36 months.

  • The average cost is $50–150 per procedure, with 3–4 procedures needed per year. In comparison, similar procedures in the USA cost $700. You pay for speed and quality. For the result, not the process.

Description of the method

The method I could talk about for hours, as it’s the Joker in the treatment of chronic pain. An anesthetic, steroid, magnesium, or NSAIDs are injected into trigger points — painful areas of muscles that do not relax through massage or other methods. All the muscles in the chain are punctured. The procedure relieves muscle spasms, reduces pain, and most importantly — HEALS. Truly. It is performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. It quickly reduces pain and improves mobility. The therapy is safe and well-tolerated by most patients, although the effect varies depending on the cause of the pain and the practitioner performing the procedure.

Treatment prognosis

This is the most scientifically proven method of treating chronic pain that exists today. There is nothing more reliable. The procedures are standardized, and their number remains consistent in most cases.

Comparative effectiveness ratio

After the first procedure, the patient reports a 60% improvement in their symptoms. After the second procedure, there is a slight worsening of 20%, but after the third, 80% or more of the contractures and pain resolve, with effects lasting for more than 36 months.

Cost of treatment

The average cost is $50–150 per procedure, with 3–4 procedures needed per year. In comparison, similar procedures in the USA cost $700. You pay for speed and quality. For the result, not the process.

Behind the scenes of medical practice, an in-depth video about our specialist and their treatment approaches

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers to the most common patient queries in this section.

  • Headaches, panic attacks?

    One can endlessly discuss the nature of these conditions, but if we take practice as the criterion for truth, trigger point injections help, while antidepressants do not. The only therapy that can relieve spasms in the deepest neck muscles is trigger point therapy. No massage therapist can achieve this, and chiropractic therapy carries significant risk of injury. Safe and reliable.

  • Back pain

    The joker of all pains, who doesn’t experience it at all? Hundreds of thousands of methods for treating chronic pain. It’s like a game of “hot potato” – someone treated a little, and then passed it to the next person! Most methods just shift the responsibility onto: exercises, some totems, phantoms, or even psychological practices. You’ve already tried everything, and now you can confidently come to us. It works. It lasts. And here, hernias are not the primary concern. In any case, surgery is the last resort, but even after it, with the wrong pain treatment, you’ll be surprised to find that the cause remained in place, and it didn’t take long to fix.

  • Hip pain

    Hip pain requires maximum effort from the doctor, as this weight-bearing joint has gravitational load. Osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis) is like a dramatic lady: first it’s hard to find, impossible to forget, and difficult to get rid of. Of course, it is treated by various methods. But we offer the best therapy for pain management. Even in cases of avascular necrosis, we are able to prevent further destruction for years in patients who are not eligible for surgery.

  • Knee pain

    Everything you need to know about knee joints – they don’t hurt because of problems inside the joint or due to menisci or cysts. In 20 years of practice, I haven’t sent a single knee to surgery. And I believe if my practice didn’t repeatedly prove my point, no one would come to me, but that’s not the case. Knees are treated more successfully without surgery and without injecting liquids into them.

  • Heel pain

    Treatment without hormones, surgery, or long exhausting recovery processes. Come in, get the injections, and leave. Three times in one week. That’s it. A few pills, some stretching.

  • Post-COVID syndromes

    The disease affects large spongy bones filled with small blood vessels. It is comparable to herpes affecting nerve tissue — COVID affects blood vessels, destroying them. There can be aseptic necrosis affecting the shoulder and hip joints within three months from the onset of the disease. The sacroiliac joints are also affected, causing chronic one-sided lower back pain. It is difficult to treat, long-lasting, but treatable. However, the pathogenesis is still not fully understood. Therefore, try not to delay dealing with such conditions.

  • Dupuytren's contracture

    Surgery or not? A month of rehabilitation, pain, and general anesthesia, or just 15 minutes and a tiny hole in the palm? And that’s it? If you don’t want freezing and simply need a working finger without recurrences, this method is for you.

  • Trigger point injections

    What are trigger point injections?

    Trigger point injections are a procedure that has undergone many changes since its inception, first proposed by Travell and Simons as a method for treating chronic pain. In my experience, this procedure has been extensively revised and improved.

    This procedure involves injections into the areas of maximum muscle resistance, known as trigger points, which are essentially muscle spasms. These points share a similar structure and size, and there are many such trigger points in the body. A trigger is a protective mechanism of the muscle that helps it withstand the excessive load placed upon it. When the muscle spasms, it becomes unable to be regulated by the brain. The trigger blocks the blood and nerve supply to the muscle, causing it to only be nourished by osmosis, as the brain can no longer regulate the muscle’s function.

    Therefore, the only way to relax this muscle is through external intervention. However, the problem is not only in the formation of trigger points, but also in how regulatory mechanisms affect antagonistic muscles. For example, if your triceps are overstrained and filled with trigger points, your biceps will not be able to fully contract. This causes significant issues for both athletes and the general population and can even lead to muscle tears.

    These chronic conditions ultimately result in dysfunctions in movement patterns, posture, gait, and overall body alignment. These are adaptation diseases, caused by our lifestyle. Unfortunately, we cannot escape these issues. We are forced to drive for long periods, sit at work for long hours, and move very little due to our responsibilities and lifestyle. The world moves fast, and time flies quickly.

    What physiologists and fitness specialists propose to us is to change our lives. But we don’t want or cannot do that. We want to live without pain, eat without gaining weight, and look good without exercising. And the market is constantly looking for such methods.

    The method of trigger point injection therapy relieves the individual of responsibility for their musculoskeletal health, allowing them to simply come to the procedure, receive it, take post-treatment medication, do a minimal amount of exercise, and follow up with treatments as needed. For the majority of patients, this scheme satisfies more than 70% of their needs, alleviating pain and contractures with no additional requirements.

    This method has more than a 70% success rate, and currently, there is no more effective treatment available worldwide than trigger point injection therapy. Not shockwave therapy, not massage – all these methods are supplementary and auxiliary. We use them, but they are complementary, much like other physiotherapeutic devices.

Indications for the use of the Option laser therapy device:

  • • arthritis
  • • arthrosis, including cervical
  • • bursitis
  • • ligament inflammation
  • • dislocation, subluxation
  • • muscle dysfunction caused by strain, overexertion, or rupture
  • • acute and chronic tendinopathy
  • • epicondylitis (including acute and chronic manifestations)
  • High Efficiency

    The depth of laser radiation penetration into tissues depends on its power. Thanks to the use of a highly effective system, the laser radiation generated by the “Opton” device has sufficient intensity to penetrate deep layers of tissues in the body. The power of the “Opton” laser can be smoothly adjusted within a range of up to 7 W. The modes of laser radiation exposure:

    • Continuous radiation
    • Modulated continuous radiation, pulsed radiation

  • Wavelength

    The “Opton Pro” devices generate laser radiation in the infrared range with wavelengths of 980 nm, 810 nm, and 1064 nm, providing a wide therapeutic effect:

    980 nm: analgesic effect through exposure to the superficial layers of tissues.
    810 nm: deeper penetration for cell biostimulation.
    1064 nm: maximum penetration depth into muscle tissues.

    The combination of wavelengths enhances the therapeutic effect, stimulating both superficial and deep tissues.

  • Cell Stimulation

    Laser radiation accelerates cellular proliferation and metabolism, which is crucial for the treatment of scars and musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Improvement of Microcirculation

    It enhances lymphatic and venous circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation.

  • Modification of Pain Perception

    The effect on superficial pain receptors increases the pain threshold through short-term tissue heating.

  • Endorphin Stimulation

    Short-term laser exposure promotes the release of endorphins, which reduces pain sensations.


Ещё одно перевоплощение! Большая благодарность вам , Константин Сергеевич!)Ваши руки творят чудеса с телом и суставами, дают надежду на ещё ой как много-много дойти своими ногами и увидеть прекрасный мир спасибо!)))

Константин Сергеевич!Я Вам очень благодарна за Ваш труд и Вашу методику востановления.Благодаря вам я бегаю уже 4года.Дай Бог Вам силы и здоровья!!!

Очень хороший врач, меня тоже поставил на ноги. Очень сильно благодарна. Здоровья и мирного неба над головой.

Я та мої рідні ,теж дуже вдячні Вам Костянтину Сергійовичу за Ваші золоті руки,Ви лікар від Бога,дай Боже Вам здоров’я врятувати ще не одну людину!!!

Я благодарю вселенную, за то ,что есть такие доктора как вы!Я благодарю вас,за то ,что вы относитесь с пониманием к каждому своему пациенту,это немало важно.Здоровья вам и вашим близким!

Константин Сергеевич ,Вы Доктор от Бога,мы с мужем Вам очень благодарны,дай Бог Вам здоровье!!!!

Доктор у вас золоті руки. Нехватае ваших процедур

Константин Сергеевич я очень страдаю без Ваших процедур, надеюсь скоро вернусь в Украину. Дай Бог Вам здоровья.

Ой як мені невистачає Вас Констянтин Сергійович!Крепкого здоровья і сили Вам!

Доктор от Бога!!!
Спасибо Вам большое за ваш труд! Что бы мы без Вас делали?

Константин Сергеевич мирного неба,семейного благополучия,здоровья.Спасибо за лечение.

Константин Сергеевич,ваши знания,опыт,навыки возвращают лёгкость движения,возможность просто идти,не просто идти,а идти без боли,заново ощутить лекость тела!Здоровья вам ,благополучия и новых удивительных находок в вашем таинственном действе-это не работа, искусство!!!))

По-прежнему молюсь о Вашем здравии уже 3-ий год после того, как Ваши золотые ручки и Ваша методика спасли меня дважды от дичайщих болей в суставах. Дай Бог Вам здоровья и процветания !

Добрий день і мені не хватае ваших процедур.Ви Доктор від Бога , всего найкращого вам здоровья і миру

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Receive professional medical assistance in a format that suits you best:

  • Online consultation allows you to quickly and conveniently get an initial diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and answers to your questions, no matter where you are.
  • Offline consultation provides a detailed examination, comprehensive diagnostics, and a personalized approach to your health during an in-person visit to the doctor.

Choose the format that meets your needs and take a step toward better well-being today!


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